Monday, November 18, 2013

Project 6 - 3D Modeling

The original image on this first splice is from Sinchon Station in Seoul. I've spent great deal of time there, so it is somewhere that has personal significance. Each station there has its own details and unique flavor, so that is something I was interested in representing. I had started this image as my single object, a bench within the station and built the information around it, but I ended up getting pretty involved and decided to make it into the collage instead. After working on it for a while, things ended up getting a little tweaked and were no longer perfectly square, so it was annoying trying to patch holes where they popped up. It was also difficult trying to maneuver within an enclosed space, as I would often get the viewer stuck inside walls, etc.

This second object is a webcam taken out of a friend's computer. After days of trying to fix his laptop, he gave up and angrily threw it out the back door. He threw away everything but this piece, so there is some humor associated with this choice. It was fun working on something on such a small scale because it allowed to get a little obsessive with the details, rather than having to make up or try to remember information as I had to for the first one. This one was much simpler to work on because I had the physical object and also because it was very geometric in nature. It was a pretty alright first attempt at art in a three-dimensional space and I'm pleased with the way they both turned out.

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